Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
It is our goal that through the mission activities of First Baptist many will come to know Christ and that those who serve in missions will grow closer to Him.
Bryan & Pam Risner
• Gospel conversation seeds from this past year to bring individuals to Christ & Biserica Agape
• Growth of Biserica Agape and complete commitment of our visitors • Biserica Agape to be financially independent in one year
• Peace for Ukraine and safety for our friends in Ukraine
• Generous and faithful givers to support us and our work in Romania
• Growth of Biserica Agape and complete commitment of our visitors • Biserica Agape to be financially independent in one year
• Peace for Ukraine and safety for our friends in Ukraine
• Generous and faithful givers to support us and our work in Romania
Priscila Project
We are partnering with Jorge Vasquez, Pastor of El Faro Baptist Church, Little Rock.
The Priscila Project, founded by Jorge's mother, provides backpacks filled with school supplies for children.
Backpacks are distributed to schools providing an opportunity to share The Gospel.
Each backpack filled with school supplies costs $30.
Donations "designated backpack", may be placed in the offering plate or dropped off at the church office.
The Priscila Project, founded by Jorge's mother, provides backpacks filled with school supplies for children.
Backpacks are distributed to schools providing an opportunity to share The Gospel.
Each backpack filled with school supplies costs $30.
Donations "designated backpack", may be placed in the offering plate or dropped off at the church office.

Mission Opportunities
The Bible commands us to make disciples of ALL nations. It is our heart at First Baptist to fulfill that commandment by offering various mission trip opportunities around the world.
Zambia, Africa | July 15-26
Dominican Republic | November
Dominican Republic | November
Christmas Shoeboxes
God revealed to us the importance of showing our love to others when He sent His Son for us. One way you can show your love to others is by giving children around the world a reason to smile through the gift of a shoebox. Not only will they receive this gift, but they will also have an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. These gifts also bring hope to the hearts of their parents.

Missionaries We Support

Rigoberto Jimenez
El Salvador

Brandon & Brittney Lingle

Denis Lopez

David & Paula Marroquin

Gerson Orellana

Bryan & Pam Risner

Tommy & Sara Rose

Michael Strong