wednesday night is for everyone

Get Connected. Go Deeper. Serve.

Wednesday Night Meal

Join us for food and fellowship as a family in the Activity Center! 5-6pm

BBQ Chicken & Potato Salad
Bud Burgers & Baked Beans
Mexican Casserole & King Ranch Casserole
Taco Bar
Macaroni & Cheese, Nuggets, PB&J Sandwiches, Salad

Kids 3yr - 6th

6:00 pm

Hey Kids!
If you've ever been to FBC you've been told that the God of the universe loves you and so do we, and that is true! You are an important part of FBC.
We love to have you in worship and Bible study as you grow in your relationship with Jesus. 

3’s - Pre-K (Potty Trained)

Cubbies celebrate the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word.
Kids learn basic truths about God, Jesus, and salvation through fun handbooks, picture teaching cards, and more.
These flexible lessons, awards, games, and teaching plans come together to create a welcoming space for kids to learn and grow.
Cubbies meet in the preschool hallway each Wednesday at 6:00 pm during the school year.

Kinder - 4th Grade

KIDS Ministry develops a biblical foundation and teaches kids to live a life of wisdom and grace.
This ministry enables KIDS to become not only knowledgeable of God's Word but able to apply His truth to their lives and face anything as disciples of Christ.
Each Wednesday night, kids study God's word, learn Scripture, play games, and enjoy a snack.
FBC Kids meet in the Activity Center each Wednesday at 6:00 pm during the school year.

5th & 6th Grades

 Our PREETEEN program is designed to tackle the daily challenges of this age group head-on with lessons that plunge students into the Bible to find answers to their biggest questions about life, God, and relationships.
FBC Preteens meet Upstairs each Wednesday at 6:00 pm during the school year. 



Spreading Abundant Life to Teens

Engage in worship, then head over to the gym for a snack and hang out with friends, play basketball, volleyball, and games.



Bible Study

Join us in the Fellowship Hall for a time of prayer and Bible study.
Bible study lessons are taught in an informative lecture style.

Join the Choir 7:00pm

The sanctuary choir is open to anyone who loves the Lord and has a song in their heart.
We meet each Wednesday to prepare to lead worship on Sunday morning.