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Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Wednesday Night

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Better yet...


Baptism at Lake Murvaul

Join us at the Lakeside Pavilion @ Stovall’s Marina Lake Murvaul. Bring a chair and enjoy a time of praise and fellowship as we celebrate new believers identifying with Christ and publicly declaring to be a follower of Jesus Christ. The church bus will leave the FBC parking lot at 4:30 pm if you need transportation.


Infants - Age 3
We provide a safe and engaging nursery for our youngest church goers.
Age 4 - Kindergarten
Kids start in Worship with you and then move to a space just for them to finish their morning with games, activities, Bible story, and more!
Wednesday Night Kids
Check-in begins @ 5:45 p.m
NO DRIVE-THRU DROP OFF & PICK UP If you're not eating at our Wednesday night meal as a family, kids will have time to eat after 5:45 p.m. check-in. Cubbies and Preteens use check-in stations. K-4th grade check-in and pick up inside the Activity Center.



Bud Burgers
Italian Spaghetti & Garlic Bread
King Ranch Chicken & Mexican Casserole
Taco Bar
Macaroni & Cheese, Nuggets, PB&J Sandwiches, Salad


Mission Update: God Multiplies

Gerson Orellana Porras, Costa Rica

"The lady in glasses sitting in the back, two weeks ago brought the young man in the green that is next to her (it's her son), the young man in green last Sunday brought the young woman that is sitting in front of him, and the young woman sitting in front of Him today he brought his mom and sister (the two women standing next to him). When new people understand the importance of the great commission, things begin to flow."  #missions #IAmPart #BePart 

Current Classes

Ladies Bible Study

Lacy Jones
Mondays @ 10:00am | Annex
"Join Kelly Minter in this 7-session Bible study as she unpacks the biblical foundation for these sacred habits along with approachable ways to practice disciplines like prayer, study, worship, rest, simplicity, generosity, celebration, and many more. Instead of being just one more thing on your to-do list, you’ll find that these habits of faith can actually create more margin in your life—providing peace and rest as you walk closer with Jesus."


James McRight
Tuesdays  @ 12:00pm | Annex 
A challenge for men to reconcile with their pasts; re-engage in the present by taking full responsibility for their wives and children; and move forward with bold resolution for the future.

Ladies Class

Adrean Seaborn
Sundays @ 9:30am | Activity Center Upstairs 
Now and Not Yet,  author and artist Ruth Chou Simons shares a beautiful invitation for you to:
  • Embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows
  • Discern how the difficult parts of your life are actually a unique gift from God by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season
  • Stop feeling trapped when you're not where you want to with guided liturgies for what you are facing today
  • Live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet

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